Tuesday 9 October 2012

Summer Inspiration

Over the summer I have been keeping up to date with the development of the hobbit. Through a blog called 'www.thehobbitblog.com' I was able to see the film develop from conceptual ideas and art into filming and post production, through their video blog. This allowed me to see how ideas are developed in the film industry, which is very similar to that of the games industry. Sets and characters are first designed by the concept artist, who take most of their influence from the description of the book. These concepts are then often worked up into models, and eventually sets and costumes. This is very similar to the workflow of a games artist, the concept artist will begin to design the characters and environments, finding particular resources to reference. These designs are then worked into a 3D model which can then be handed over to the animators. 

The video above is a collection of some of the different updates to the video blog. Its all really interesting and inspiring, but the part that interests me most starts at '42.09' and focuses on the team of concept artists. It goes on to show how they still work with basic pencil and paper, however to update their practice and to make it more relevant to the film industry they've began to make their concept art 3D. This involves two artists drawing the same image just one in blue and the other in red, so that when layered on top of each other it creates a 3D image. It's really good to see how relevant industries are evolving, and how the practice I hope to go into is constantly evolving.

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