Wednesday 24 October 2012

Player Experience Goals: Detail:

Players will have to work as team in order to complete tasks, overcome obstacles and finish the game.

After looking at games that give the player control over more than one character such as Lost Vikings and Gobliiins, I think it would be a good way of involving teamwork and co-operation, especially if the game was made multi-player. If each player was given different skills that were unobtainable by the other players, it would force the idea of team work.

Players will have the freedom to set their own goals and tasks, and pursue these goals in any order and at any pace they choose.

I really like this goal, and I think it is important that this mechanic works well for the following player experience goals to be believable. This could work in a number of ways, such as in-game decisions that alter the path or outcome of the story. As well as a game that continues to produce quests when being played.

Players will become emotionally attached to their characters.

This goal is majorly linked to the last. I think that if the world is coherent enough to believe then the player will feel as if they are crafting their own story, and path in the world. This will then allow them to form a relationship with their character. This relationship could also be increased if the player has the ability to create their own character, and grow them throughout the course of the game.

Players will go through a range of emotions throughout the course of the game.

This is linked to both the second and third player experience goals. If the player is in a coherent world that they fully believe in and realize it's boundaries and rules, as well as controlling a character they are emotionally attached to, then it is completely down to the mixture of story and gameplay as to what range of emotions they go through. Therefore I want to create a deep and meaningful story that will not only appeal to peoples emotions but also make them think.

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