Friday 26 October 2012

Starting to plot out the story

  • You play as the four sons of the current king.
  • The king is picked from the strongest and most popular clan.
  • The last five kings have all been from the current kings clan.
  • When the king first came to the throne, times were good, and the king was loved by everyone. However times have changed and the goblins have started daily raid and have already taken one territory.
  • Due to the constant attacks the king has been forced into making hard decisions that have affected all the classes but mainly the poor.
  • Unlike most princes and nobles, the four princes live amongst their people and are loved by all in their clan. However, this is not the same in all clans. Most clans follow a strict social code in which there is a clear divide between the upper and lower classed.
  • The game focuses on the theme of growing up. Now that the king is under a lot of pressure it is up to the four brothers to work together in an effort to do all the kings tasks around the four territories.
  • The game also focuses on your relationship with your father. Some of the quests he sends you on will negatively affect a lot of the lower class. Choosing to do the task will improve your relationship with your father but often negatively affect your relationship with the people. However not doing the task will negatively affect your relationship with your father but improve your standing with the lower classes.
  • Eventually you will have reunited all four territories to create an army. The size of this army as well as its quality are affected by the decisions you've made throughout the game.
  • The game will use in game decisions.
This is just the basic outline of the narrative, I now need to work through this outline to add more detail, and to fix anything that causes the coherence to be destroyed. I also need to start thinking about the new game mechanics I will be adding and how they will work.

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