Tuesday 16 October 2012

Norse Dwarves

Norse Mythology is where most modern day representations of dwarves have got inspiration from. The idea that dwarves are good craftsmen, metal workers, and miners are all sited in their initial representation in Norse mythology, however at this time they were also believed to represent death and greed. Also in Norse mythology dwarves were described as being of average human height, as well as similar in build. It wasn't until the late 13th that the idea of them being short and stocky was added, often for a humorous element. One of the main texts that describe the original idea of dwarves is the old norse poem of Voluspa meaning 'Prophecy of the Volva (seeress)'. Its the Norse creation story, and documents how Odinn and the gods defeated the comos giants to create the many universes, and it was the dwarves that then fashioned the humans out of earth and stone to populate the world.

"The high Gods gathered in council.
In their hall of judgement;
Which kind the dwarves should craft
From Brimi's blood and Blain's limbs?"

"Mótsognir became the greatest of the dwarves, and Durinn after him;
The dwarves did as Durinn directed, of the earth, they made a large number of human shapes."

The poem then goes on to catalogue every single dwarf one after the other, In a section that is often referred to as the catalogue of the dwarves.

"Nýi and Niði,
Norðri and Suðri,
Austr and Vestri,
Alþiófr, Dvalinn,
Bívörr, Bávörr,
Bömburr, Nóri,
Án and Ánarr,
Ái, Miöðvitnir."

"Veigr and Gandálfr,
Vindálfr, Þráinn,
Þekkr and Þorinn,
Þrór, Vitr and Litr,
Nár and Nýráðr -
Here are the dwarves
- Reginn and Ráðsviðr -
Rightly accounted."

"Fíli, Kíli,
Fundinn, Náli,
Hepti, Víli,
Hanarr, Svíorr,
Frár, Hornbori,
Frægr and Lóni,
Aurvangr, Iari,

"Humans, know of Dvalin' s line that goes down to Lofar's time,
They went to Iörovellir and Aurvangar, leaving their dwellings under the stone."

"There was Draupnir
and Dólgþrasir,
Hár, Haugspori,
Hlévangr, Glói,
Skirvir, Virvir,
Skáfiðr, Ái,"

"Álfr and Yngvi
Fialarr and Frosti,
Finnr and Ginnarr;
As long as men will remember,
The line will go down to Lofarr."

By looking at this old text, I've been able to gain a deeper understanding of how the idea of the dwarf was developed. Its also interesting to see how it has developed over time. I think its very important for me, that when it comes to me designing my own dwarves, they need to be an improvement and an evolution of the type that is around in most modern fantasy media.


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