Wednesday 24 October 2012

Coherent Worlds

Matthew Weise, narrative director at Harmonix writes an interesting article on his blog Outside Your Heaven about the coherent world in Dishonored.

"While the writing and acting in Dishonored has its issues - like the odd preponderance of American accents or the cartoonish villains - I'm impressed by how solid the world-building itself is. It has a very fleshed out world, one where science, history, technology, religion, and economics all feel meaningfully interwoven. It's world-building 101 really, but so few video games do it decently it's refreshing to see one with such a solid grasp of the basics."

This is an important point that Weise makes, although the acting and script is not as realistic as it should be, this is compensated for by the fact that the game is believable within the boundaries set by the rules of the game. The fact that the history, technology and religion of the game are so well detailed and intertwined with the story that you can believe it is very important to me as it will allow me to get across the deeper meaning and story of my game, whilst keeping the player entertained.

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