Tuesday 16 October 2012

Dungeons and Dragons Dwarves

"Over the history of D&D publications and rules editions, numerous subraces of dwarf have been described. Aleithian dwarves are deep-dwelling psionic dwarves who follow the dragon god Sardior. In the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions of D&D, Azers physically resembled dwarves, though they were unrelated. In the 4th Edition of the game, they are a product of the enslavement of dwarves by giants and titans. Badlands dwarves have adapted to life in the inhospitable wastes, developing a natural knack for finding water and tolerance to heat and thirst. Deep dwarves dwell underground and have a greater ability to see in the dark, but are sensitive to light. They are more resistant to magic and poison than standard dwarves. Dream dwarves are contemplative dwarves in touch with the world around them, which they call the "earth dream." The duergar are an "evil and avaricious" sub-race that live in the Underdark. Frost dwarves are extra-planar dwarves who reside on the Iron Wastes of the Infinite Layers of the Abyss. They were once duergar enslaved by frost giants. Glacier dwarves reside in cold glaciers, mining a special material known as blue ice. These dwarves have great skill at crafting with ice and magical ice, and are tolerant to cold weather. Hill dwarves are the standard dwarven race. Mountain dwarves live deeper underground and have fairer skin than hill dwarves. Seacliff dwarves make their home in high seaside cliffs and are excellent swimmers."

I really like the idea that there are different races of dwarves, that are all affected in appearance by the environment they live in. I think this could really help to build tension in my game, and help to portray different types of dwarves as they've evolved over the centuries.

From these dungeon and dragons start up character cards you can see that the dwarven starter character is much stronger and aggressive than the human counterpart. The dwarf is more focused as fighting and taking the battle head on. The human on the other hand is a bit more of an all-rounder, with better defense and will. This is important to think about when designing the character and characteristics of my characters.


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